

This weekend, I told someone who knows me well that I have a date coming up with someone who "isn't my usual type," and this person replied, "Oh, you mean he's not a complete asshole?"


Anonymous said...

I don't think the guys you date are assholes, per se, Kate. I think you just are attracted to people who are not real boyfriend/husband prospects. They are fun date prospects, and there is nothing wrong with that, but any expectation that they will be more than a fun date is misplaced.

I have actually liked a few of your more recent short-termers, even though I could tell them were just that, a short term fun thing.

I don't think you are really looking for a boyfriend or husband anyway, so these short termers aren't so bad. As you know, you tend to get freaked out yourself when men show too much interest in "dating" you, so these nonchalant hotties you seem to end up with are a good solution at the moment.

I do think you have to get over your bizarre penchant for creative types, which you have had since middle school. A nice mortgage broker might be a good change of pace from the guitarists and aspiring novelists.


Anonymous said...

what happened to the bonnarroo "sidekick" guy?

Julie said...

Bonnaroo sidekick is just a friend with occasional (he lives elsewhere) benefits.

And believe it or not, he does not play guitar and has a rather dull, very grown-up job in a non-creative field. So in many ways, he doesn't fit my usual "type."


Anonymous said...

A definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Going against type may be just what the doctor ordered.

Or it could be an even bigger disaster. One thing's for certain; it won't be boring!

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

As someone who has repeatedly tried to ask Katie out and been sort of blown off, I continue to be confounded by her blogging about her less than stellar lovelife.

LOOK AROUND YOU. There are nice men who would love to take you out to dinner but you are too cynical to see it.

Anonymous said...

Last night I went out and we were doing some arm wrestling. I lost, but at least I didn't get my arm broken and have to go to the hospital, which is what did actually happen to some other dude. His arm actually *popped*. It was nasty.
You should definitely try going out with more midgets.

Anonymous said...

dull, very grown-up job in a non-creative field?
you've obviously never visited our offices or you would have noticed that we just introduced the color blue into our reserve reports.

Anonymous said...

A friend with ocasional benefits? How does that work?

I liked your Bonaroo stories on channel ten and read your Bonaroo Blog. I wondered who this friend you kept mentioning was in the Blog.

I like the music stories you do. I would like to see more of them on TV in knoxville.

I think you should find someone who lives nearby so your benefits don't have to be ocasional :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey, no fair Kate! I'm "just a friend" and you aren't hooking up with me!

For those who only know Katie from the blog or from TV, you may not know that she has a cadre of guy friends around town who are quite devoted to her. She's a sweet girl and more fun than a barrel o' monkeys on Ecstasy. She's also quite smart and not bad looking, I might add. But I didn't know that one of my fellow male Katepals is getting preferential treatment.

I even live in the same city, so I would be far more convenient for her than someone who lives somewhere else. I don't even listen to Jimmy Buffett.

Who is this guy Katie and why have you not mentioned him to me? Where does he live? What's the dull job?


Anonymous said...

Hey sidekick. Reveal yourself. Who are you and how are you connected to Katie? Inquiring minds want more details. Katie has been very tight lipped about you on the blog.

Anonymous said...

It's retardedly ironic to anonymously post an appeal for someone else to reveal themselves.

Anonymous said...

Okay. I will reveal myself.

I'm a 35 year old insurance agent from Charlotte. I was actually a virgin until I hooked up with Katie.

It was fun being her Bonnaroo sidekick, except she made me give her a lot of scalp massages, which wore me out. But I would periodically retreat to our RV for naps.

I'd see her more often but we are both pretty busy, plus I can't stand her taste in clothing, music or food, so I can only take her company for short periods of time.

And my real is Truman Farqhardt.

Anonymous said...

or maybe this is Gods way of helping to ensure that liberals dont reproduce.

Julie said...

Too late. I already reproduced THREE TIMES.

(insert evil laugh here)

And I may do it again one of these days.
