
This weekend is my every-other-weekend childfree one, so I've been doing some grown up stuff with friends.

Steve K. just moved back to town (yeah!), so he and I went to see the new Carl Snow Band last night. They were terrific. They closed with a Skynyrd cover that was pretty great. Everyone had a good time and was in a very jolly mood. The opening act played waaaaaay too long, but CSB redeemed the evening. I ran into some folks I hadn't seen in a long while, which was nice.

I am re-reading An American Tragedy (last read it in highschool) and stayed up doing that until 3 or 4 in the morning. The protagonist reminds me of Scott Petersen.

Then, this morning my friend Jay fixed me one of his super brunches (bloody mary, omelette, homemade biscuits, cookies, bacon,mmmmm) and then we went to see a matinee of The 40 Year Old Virgin.

Leaving aside the fact that I automatically love any movie Paul Rudd appears in (he, along with Mark Ruffalo, is my Major Celebrity Crush for All Eternity), this was a great movie.

It's incredibly raunchy but somehow also one of the sweetest love stories I've seen in ages, with a super audacious ending that I loved.

Best lines:

"Act like David Caruso in Jade"
"Love: it's a mysterious fig"

It's a rare comedy that's equal parts plot driven/full of great jokes, but with really fleshed out, human characters, but this movie has all of it.

The movie was so good that I am going to go see it again soon. I can't remember the last time I wanted to do that.


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