

Today I got an e-mail out of the blue from my old editor at MSN's UnderWire site, for which I wrote back in about 1997-1998. The site disappeared and with it, so I thought, the essays I'd had published there. This was a bummer because I hadn't saved them anywhere else.

(Yes, I know, this is hard to believe, but true)

But this editor informed me that I could still access my MSN essays at an archive site, so I went back and read them.

One in particular left me rather speechless. I'd forgotten I'd written it. I guess I wrote it in 1998 and it's about how sometimes I wondered what it would be like to be single again.

When I wrote it, I never in a million years imagined that a few years later, I would be single.

So here's the essay: Where's the Tingle?



Anonymous said...

Rather timely. This coincides with part of our lunch conversation yesterday. Great piece.

Anonymous said...

why ick?