
elliot at bedtime

Elliot has trouble falling asleep (and Henry has trouble staying asleep). Tonight at bedtime, as I was lying down next to him, Elliot chattered and chattered. Some choice thoughts from E at bedtime:

-Mom, I'm way more hungry than sleepy. Can't you understand that?

-Mom, I caught a toad at recess today. He bit me.

-Mom, do you think the tooth fairy might leave my tooth AND leave me money tonight? I'd really like to keep my tooth.

-Mom, why can't I have a lacrosse stick as big as Henry's?

-Mom, when I grow up, I want to be a bum and live in a tent downtown

-Mom, that airsoft bb that Henry shot me with left a bad bruise and that's why I can't get to sleep

-Mom, I think it's silly that you make me take a bath every single night. Everyone else is way dirtier than I am. I feel different because you make me take so many baths.

-Mom, I think I'm just naturally good at dribbling the soccer ball. I was just born that way.

-Mom, why did the Ramones make a Christmas song?

-Mom, I'd like to have that job that makes the clouds into different shapes.

-Mom, can you explain evolution to me? Right now, just real fast before I fall asleep?

Elliot tries to duck for cover when he comes under fire from big brother Henry in tonight's backyard paintball game

August 20, 2005 058

Elliot Robert Castrillon Granju, age 7

August 20, 2005 043

Elliot and big sistah Jane - August 23, 2005

August 20, 2005 045

Elliot and Henry prepare for backyard urban warfare - AUgust 24, 2005

August 20, 2005 056

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