
wal-mart organics may not be

I try to buy organic everything for our family's food. I don't always succeed, but I try. I am lucky because we have A FOOD COOP in our neighborhood, so there are plenty of organics there.

I never shop at Wal-Mart. I hate Wal-Mart. Every time I do somehow end up shopping there, I leave with a headache and a sense of despair that lingers for the rest of the day. Give me Target any day.

But I was happy to hear a few months ago that Wal-Mart planned to start selling organic foods. I figured that would be great for organic growers, as well as consumers on a budget who want to eat healthy. Now, however, it turns out that Wal-Mart's organics may NOT BE SO ORGANIC after all.



Anonymous said...

Target has the coolest commercials...

Anonymous said...

I guess Wal-Mart uses organic excrement from Mexican farms to grow their produce.

Lisa said...

WalMart give me hives.