
school's out

Only two more days until school is out for the year and I absolutely cannot wait. No more homework. No more demanding morning schedules. Of course, some of that hassle is replaced by dealing with the patchwork of childcare I sling together to keep everyone under a watchful eye during the summer, but that's generally easier than school stuff. We all need a break from school stuff.

Once again I end the year feeling very guilty about how uninvolved I am at my kids' school as a result of my paid employment. Their school is 25 miles from my office and I have a job where it's hard for me to leave for an afternoon for a field trip or whatever. I always feel like the worst mother on th eplanet when I get calls from the Super Organizer Moms who are baking cookies, planning class parties, etc. I just can't do that stuff. My mother never did either and it always bothered me a little (just a little, Mom! really!), but I now understand what her limitations were. She, too, had a full time job in media many, many miles away from where we went to school each day.

But we made it through another year. Henry has finished 8th grade (yes, I am now the mother of a high school student. how weird is THAT?), Jane has finished 5th and my baby, Elliot, is a proud graduate of the second grade.


Granju family - June '05


Anonymous said...

Don't feel badly about not being to do all that free labor schools get out of parents. That stuff is a holdover from when stay at home moms provided unpaid labor for all kinds of industries, from the military (officers' wives who had to entertain) to schools. Parents should rebel against it.

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