
Happy New Year! Who the heck are you?

My blog traffic is way up lately. It's a good time to ask you, gentle blog reader, WHO YOU ARE.


mamamarta said...

i check you often because you update frequently!

i'm marta, partner to julie, moms to 8yo trixie and 2yo micah. i'm no longer unhappily employed as a lawyer, am very happily staying home with my kids, am an adoptive breastfeeding la leche league leader, and you can visit my new blog at

that's me.


Anonymous said...

I walk up to a mountain, chop it down, with the ledge of my hand.

Anonymous said...

i am a 32 year old (today) mom of two who likes your writing style. i read your ap book, and some of your articles, and since blogging is my new reading, i have been reading your blog. i am from a college town in the nidwest. i do not yet have a blog.

Anonymous said...

I am from Portugal, with 3 kids (boy, 5yo, girl 3yo, boy, 9mo), occasionally working from home, regularly checking and reading your blog for many months now. I've had a blog but couldn't keep it up interesting, so I gave up. May re-start one of these days.
I'm deeply into pop so you are influential in that as well!
Just wondering... do your children listen to your music? What are their tastes like? My children - ok, much younger than yours, but still... - are only into children's songs. Some of their peers (sp. my son's girl mates)are already into Britney kind of stuff but mine are totally immune... I hope they go straight into Wilco or something...

Anonymous said...

I'm whiny, self-absorbed, selfish and narcissitic. Or so you say. But I still get a kick out of reading your blog.

Julie said...

Gee, I am so glad I can be a source of continued amusement for you. Sort of like a trained monkey, I guess.
