
U.S. detaining insurgents' wives

You know, I think for everyone concerned about our policies with regards to Iraq, there are certain stories that touch them in a very visceral, emotional way.

For me it's this one that's punched me in the gut.

I am horrified by the emerging info on this practice. I also just saw the on-air version of the story on ABC Nightly News and they ran video with it showing U.S. soldiers grilling a woman in her home as to where her husband was, while another soldier kept a machine gun pointed at her three little children, backed up against a wall of their living room and huddled together in terror.

I feel literally ill.


Anonymous said...

Interestingly, many of the families of the men who signed the Declaration of Independence were treated the same way by the British...locked in jail or on prison ships until they told where their husbands/fathers were, or the men gave up (which most of them didn't). Guess we've come full circle from fighters for democracy to despots. Hmmm.

theoldroadhog said...

it is so sad.
to point a gun at a child...what kind of fool would do that?
I really don't mind if men fight, (I mean, I do mind, but if they have a reason, it's going to happen), and I'm sure they are frightened and confused because they don't speak the language, but you just make more insurgents when you do a thing like that...and you put kids in harm's way.

It seems like life's just getting cheaper.