
don't eat the ponies

I admit it; I'm a hypocrite on this issue because I do eat cows and chickens and even pigs (which are a lot like dogs in temperament and intelligence), but damn it, I just can't go in for slaughtering American horses for snooty Frenchmen to scarf down. I'm anti.


Anonymous said...

Funny you should refer to this. My brother, an expatriate of the U.S., currently living in Germany, visited over Christmas. He and his U.S. born significant other, teased my 13-year-old daughter about not liking the taste of some things they brought with them. They then told her they eat horsemeat in Germany and that we in the U.S. are too sensitive about eating horses. (You know, how awful we Americans are. We are either oversensitive about what we eat or insensitive about what we think, say and do)

I wasn't around for this incident, but I was proud of her for sticking to her guns and responding by saying they are majestic animals, she loves them and just cannot imagine eating one unless it was a life-or-death situation.

They also complain about all the chemicals in our food as they chain smoke their cigarettes. Yet when they leave, they always take back lots of U.S. goods to carry them over until their next visit.

My brother (and his other) remains a jerk.

Anonymous said...

If you have ever owned exotic birds, you would never again eat anything that has wings.