
gardening at night

Last night the children and Jon and I walked down to the neighbor's house to see the nightly show on our street: the dramatic opening of the flowers on a "nine o'clock bloomer" bush. These bushes are also called Moonflowers, Evening Primrose and Nicodemus plants. At around 9pm every night in the summer, the closed-up yellow flowers suddenly and quickly pop open. It's something to see. YOu feel like you are watching time lapse photography on fast forward.

We neded up coming home with a baby moonflower bush, given to use by the nice woman who has the bush we were admiring. So it was after dark, but we went ahead and planted it in the frint flower garden. I hope it takes.

Elliot is very happy because the tomatoes he planted from seeds brought by the Easter Bunny are growing like crazy. He also planted some "Forget Me Nots" at the same time, and they've bloomed nicely, but he can't remember the name of the flowers. He keeps referring to them as his "Wish Me Lucks," which I find pretty adorable. I am going to start calling them that, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I use to have a moonflower when I lived in Ft. Sanders. Five or six of the neighbors would join me every night to watch it bloom. People walking down the sidewalk would often stop to see why we were staring at a plant!