
warm weather

It's 65 degrees outside and it isn't even noon yet. The birds are chirping. The sun is shining. The daffodils in my yard are starting to bloom.

There is no way for me to express what a difference sunshine and warmer weather make in my mood. The past 6-7 weeks were VERY cold and gray here. Plus, I felt mildly nauseated and exhausted much of that time. I was bit blue, although I was very aware that it came almost entirely from the weather and I just wasn't feeling good physically.

Now, almost as if by divine orchestration, my nausea is gone, my energy has returned, the sun has come out, flowers are starting to bloom and my belly has popped out. I suddenly look pregnant.

This is the fun part.

Plus, we got excellent news from our FIRST TRIMESTER SCREEN TESTING (which I decided to do instead of the more invasive genetic tests involving needles) last week. BabyX appears to be healthy and well. SO I feel much more relaxed and "really pregnant" now.

I am ready to start my gardening at this new house. This year, I am just going to start with three smallish flower beds in the front yard. Then, each year I will do a little more until I have the whole property landscaped the way I want. But for now, just getting some cutting gardens going will make me very happy.

Ah! Spring...

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