
persecution of midwives

Looks like yet another American midwife has become THE SUBJECT OF A WITCH HUNT

I wrote THIS ARTICLE about the widespread harassment of midwives in this country.

It's truly sad.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who would have a baby at home has a screw loose, in my opinion. Even if the mother would enjoy the experience more, that's not the point. The point is, where is the risk lowest for the BABY, who should be the point. The risk is lowest in the hospital. It's selfish to have a birth at home just because the women might feel more at ease.

Anonymous said...

Although it sounds counterintuitive, the hospital is actually the most unsafe place for a mother giving birth if there are no risk factors. I agree that it takes a special attitude to give birth at home with a midwife or even more extreme, unassisted---yes there is a whole set of devotees to unassisted childbirth---but if the family is properly screened into a birth center or even home birth with a midwife, the outcomes are very good. Right now, one in three women get a C-section when having a hospital birth, sometimes just because it would be better for the doctor's schedule, or sometimes because of what "could happen".

Anonymous said...

I had a baby die from a birth injury that happened in a home birth, yet I knew that the same thing could happen in a hospital and has. My husband and I went to a support group and there were about 20 couples there, all of whom except for us,lost their babies in hospital births or were severely preterm. 2 of the moms had lost their babies due to real negligence of the doctors, one was an amnio that punctured her bowel and gave both mom & baby in utero total sepsis.

If you look at the actual numbers, homebirth is safer than hospital birth, but should be reserved for only low risk mamas. It does suck that midwives have to be harassed more than doctors.

Anonymous said...

Um...I can't get the link to "Subject of a Witch Hunt" to work. Is it just me, or did the people who posted here comment without reading the article? tg

Anonymous said...

the link is buggered. copy the link and paste in addy bar. then delete everyting uptohe second http:.