
new hair

Feeling the changes of springtime in the air, I went at lunchtime and let Carl cut off all my hair. I mean, all of it. It's seriously short. I was going for a sort of Edie-Sedgwick-meets-Mia-Farrow thing.

He did exactly as I asked and it feels AWESOME on my head. So light and nice.

And I think it looks pretty good, but since returning to work, the comments have been primarily along the lines of "Oh. You got your hair cut. Look at that."

This is not promising


Anonymous said...

You gotta' watch out fer that Carl. He'll shave your head, wax your face, and toss ya' in a tanning bed.

Anonymous said... want to see....

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, I did that over a year ago and the comments ran towards: "oh you're so brave! I could never do that!" and "well, YOU have the kind of face to carry if off, not like me."

i mean, are those compliments? so hard to tell.


Anonymous said...

I had an episode of "phantom hair" not long after chopping mine off, 7 years ago. Like phantom limb, but with hair. Really weird. . .

I love it and think it's very striking on you. People are jealous that they wouldn't be able to carry it off and they recognize that you have to have supreme self-confidence to go that short.

Anonymous said...

I think you look adorable!