
elliot at eight

Eight years old is a great age. I'm not sure I've ever enjoyed Elliot as much as I am right now.

He's a sunny, funny, mischievous, sweet delight at the moment.


Anonymous said...

You're a great mom, Katie. I'm sorry your ex continues to semi-stalk and harass you.

It's obvious to anyone who has known the two of you and who reads your blog what the story is here.

Anonymous said...

I remember that being eight was fun, at least for me!

Anonymous said...

What your ex fails to understand is that you are a public figure. You are a widely published writer. Almost all writers today have blogs and websites and the fact that you are a public figure means people will comment on the blog or website. This has nothing to do with you actively seeking commentary on your divorce or anything. As a writer, being "out there" is part of your job.