
the family bed

I slept with all three of my babies in my bed and even wrote a book about it. So I have pretty strong opinions on family bedding, and was pleased to see this excellent new article from. Dr. James McKenna on the topic.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Thanks for sharing. My baby was also umimpressed with all those who told me I was making a huge mistake to allow her to sleep in our bed. She did so until about 8 months age, at which point she became too squirmy and no one slept well. When I put her in her crib at this age, she slept great. Had she continued to sleep well in our bed, I'd have gladly let her remain longer. She was recently hospitalized for several days and I slept in the hospital bed with her. While unfortunate circumstances, I enjoyed these few nights of snuggling next to my girl again.