
mother, interrupted

I had a really terrible week this week. I was under the weather, and some personal issues were problematic, and I was really busy at work, and my children were with their father for several days. Somehow, in the midst of all the commotion, I got confusd about when my children's school Christmas program was. I thought it was NEXT Thursday, but it was last night.

And I missed it.

That's right, I am the worst mother on the planet. I accidentally missed my children's school Christmas pageant.

Let that sink in a minute. It's terrible. I feel terrible.

They are always with their father on Thursday night, so he went and I didn't. I was actually at work until 8pm and when I got home, I got a call from my daughter, who asked me in a quavery voice why I hadn't been there.

This ranks as one of the worst moments as a parent...ever.

After I apologized profusely and explained I had thought it was next Thursday, I hung up and cried. I also once again cursed being a divorced parent. The shuffling back and forth between two houses is hard on all of us, although the kids would tell you there are some things about it that they like, but for me, it's extremely hard to keep up with their schedules and lessons and appointments and school events with them gone 1/3 of the time. If a note goes home on a day they are with their father, it often falls into an abyss and I never get it. This is despite the fact that their father and I are in touch via e-mail pretty much daily. It's just very hard to keep all the balls in the air with two households and three children and all the back and forth... I am not a tremendously organized mother to begin with and sometimes I drop the ball.

Tonight the children are home, and for the first night in what seems like ages, we have nothing we HAVE to be doing. No games or lessons or parties or school events, no school in the morning (it's Friday), so no homework to get done. So the house is full of happy, homebound noises: Christmas music, the boys playing a video game, Jane chattering on the phone to her best friend. The Christmas tree is all lit up and the house is cozy and warm. I feel more relaxed than I have since getting that gut-wrenching phone call informing me I'd committed this horrible parenting sin.


Anonymous said...

this is exactly why I chose to ride it out in a bad marraige instead of doing the culturally correct "me oriented' thing and leave my marriage although I had every right to do so. and guess what??? things have improved. A LOT. imagine that.

Anonymous said...

i should add, that it is no longer culterally sanctioned to sacrifice ones own happiness for the sake of the children. you chose to choose YOUR happiness over their security. a lot of why I did not get divorced and stuck it out was because I knew I would just make a different (and probably worse) nest of problems than being miserably married. and like I said, as I worked on me and my husband grew too I am SOOO glad I did not listen too all the people who told me that "I deserved someone who would treat me like a queen".
this may not do you a whole heck of a lot of good but maybe someone else who thinks that the path to happiness is to ditch an unhappy marraige might think twice. A)change is possible and B)the divorce doesnt end your problems it just creates new ones.

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure HER HUSBAND LEFT HER, you asshat. After cheating on her repeatedly.

I'm just amazed by the number of people who make self-righteous comments on this blog because they figure Katie left her husband because he failed to give her enough footrubs, or for some similarly trivial reason.

Julie said...

I admire people who manage to stay married tremendously. Good for you and good for your children.

It wasn't possible in my case.


Anonymous said...

Anon #3, what the hell is an asshat?

I know on good authority that both your statements are incorrect. But, since all you've got to go by is what you read online (which couldn't be wrong), then believe whatever you want.

Other than that, yes, divorce sucks any way you shake it up.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous #1, you want to know what an asshat is? Look in the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Dedanaan said...

Anonymous #1, you want to know what an asshat is? Look in the mirror.

I didn't write the 1st 2 comments, i just want to know what an asshat is. "Look in the mirror" isn't even funny, Dedanaan. Try again?

Anonymous said...

Okay, how about an asshat is a self-righteous, arrogant, self-deluding, constipated she-dog who trolls other people's blogs looking for attention.


Anonymous said...

Katie, You know what? In x number of years, this will be a funny family story. "Remember, it was the Christmas mom forgot the pageant."
Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

The first two anonymous's have some kind of nerve...why do you assume that someone is divorced because she "chose" her happiness over her children's???Kate, I am a 40 year old, married 17-years, mother of two. My parents just happened to divorce when I was about has effected my life. It did change my outlook on marriage...but it wasn't necessarily a bad change of view. I have very realistic viewpoints about love and marriage. Sometimes only one of my parents came to school plays etc because they couldn't stand to be in the same room. You and your X are trying to make the best of a not-so-ideal parenting situation. Your children will go on...they will not be scarred for life. They too, will find a way to find happiness. In fact, they already have. Just look at their happy faces. Sometimes marriages just do not work...period. That does not mean either spouse is terrible or chose selfish ways instead of their children's happiness. Grow up Anonamous.

Anonymous said...

It's never an easy choice. It doesn't help to look for excuses. Being divorced myself, I understand how NO ONE looking from the outside in knows all the real reasons. That wasn't the point of the post anyway. Scheduling is tough with kids divorced or not. Sounds like some of your readers here have "issues" :)


Anonymous said...

I only have one household to contend with and am fairly organized, but what happened to you on Thursday could EASILY happen to me.