
I am really looking forward to seeing the gay cowboy movie, and I have to say again (I said I liked Heath's comments on parenthood a few posts down from this one) that Heath Ledger and Michele Williams sound like super cool people.


Anonymous said...

KAJ, why did you call it 'the gay cowboy movie.'? Why can't you just call it 'Brokeback Mountain' or the newest love story? This doesn't seem like you....or are you being ironic because of the comment in the newsweek article you linked to?

Julie said...

I think when you take derogatory terms and use them humorously, it takes away their power.

I can't wait to see it.

Anonymous said...

Word KAG,
When I saw the preview for the first time months ago and realized it wasn't a Ferreli brothers movie I immediately referred to it as the Gay Cowboy Movie. In Brokeback Mountain II -- The Long Hard Journey, they join the Navy and learn to appreciate seamen in a new and wonderful way.

Anonymous said...

Dewi, are you a highschooler?