
chris klein is a blithering idiot

I thought Chris Klein was really funny as the dumb jock in one of my all-time favorite movies, "Election."

Turns out, he was good in the role because he wasn't acting.

Check out his comments today to the AP on his long relationship with TomCruiseFemBot, Katie Holmes:

"Her and my relationship is a time in the past. And it's a time that I'll always look back with in fondness, but her and I have moved on, and she has a separate life and I have a separate life. And it's better that we keep it that way."

What does "I'll look back with in fondness" even mean, for God's sake? And can "her" really "move on," as in "her moved on" ????

Plus, if "her" has a separate life, then isn't it pretty redundant to note that he, too has a separate life?

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