
an irritation

I don't know why, exactly, but it bugs me a lot when people refer to themselves as the "parents" of their animals/pets and the pets/animals as their "children."

Today I heard a woman refer to herself as "mommy" to her pug dog. Ick.

And trust me, this is coming from someone who loves animals. But the ones that live with me are not my children and I am not their parent.


Anonymous said...

Guilty. I'm one of those who have chosen to never have kids. Don't want any, don't think it's my bag. BUT, I do have a household of animals and believe me, they are "children" of a sort. We love referring to them as our kids. Each has a distinctive personality, needs, wants, demands. Each is affectionate in their own way. They are definately our children, obviously not in the biological sense, but in the care, love, responsibility and interaction sense.

Anonymous said...

I'm guilty too and proud of it. My "kids" are precious creatures and companions with personalities and feelings. Sometimes I refer to myself as "mom" but mostly I refer to myself as "that lady". And, my "kids" have an aunt and grandpartents and a furry cousin named Rudy. My pets are my family.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Katie, I sometimes do it too. Though I know they aren't my kids. We even say, when we are visiting my in-laws and their dog, that we are going to see "Grandma" and the "dog-in-law." I do think there are people who anthropomorphize their pets too much. Most of us know what is 'reality' and what isn't.

Julie said...

I know it's a stupid thing to bother me and I'm not really sure why it does...



Anonymous said...

I'm with you, Katie. It's not parental superiority, it just sounds weird. I love my dog, and my wife loves our dog even more, and we would do anything for her. But neither of us would ever refer to her as our child. Friend, loved one, special place in our heart - yes. Baby? Child? I'm her Dad? Eww.

Anonymous said...

Not only was I Gabby's mom, Gabby even had a foster father!!!

Ms. Booty Homemaker said...

i'm with you, girl.

bert (canine), junie moon & buddy wiggins both feline) are loved & special members of our family. they are not, however, my children, or even close. please do not call me bert's "mommy." neither now nor pre-baby.

Anonymous said...

Jesus, you're a patronizing, condescending, insignificant twat, aren't you?

This from a woman who can barely conceal her loathing when she speaks about "MY children visiting their father." Uh, no, sweetheart, they belong to the man who left you for another woman, too. They aren't just "your" children. Your jealousy is still showing, after how many years? And you choose to express that jealousy through your kids?

You have a problem with those who refer to pets as "children," you smug attachment-parenting breeder? We don't use our "children" as a means of getting back at the ex-spouse who left us for a woman who doesn't populate her marital bed with clinging tots of various ages. You tell me what is worse.