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I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.
I think that's creepy. It kind of implies that the only thing valuable about a woman is her "purity" as a sex partner. Is her intellect, personality, talents, etc., of no value then if she's had, say, five lovers? Is she then "bare" of any value as that text implies? And is there a counterpart product for men implying they're valueless if they have premarital sex?
What a bizarre world we live in!
The abstinence movement is so 1990's. Now it's all about the Courtship movement.
The abstinence movement is so Linda Ellerbee. You turned on Nickelodeon and saw her and it was instant birth control.
dont throw the baby out with the bathwater. just because some of the ways they are going about it are very very cheesy and manipulative doesnt mean the core message is wrong. think about all the anti drug anti smoking messages aimed at teens. most of them kids just laugh at. its not because these things are good, its just because adults for some reason seem to totally miss the boat about how to convey to kids not to do things that could be very very bad for them.
you know, this whole thing made me sad. I have a teenager and I am very pro abstinence. I see this and I think how can these people think pens with cheesy sayings on them help kids when the going gets tough. from what I see even a lot of nonchristians arent into "casual sex". if you listen to what they say they reinforce the abstinence message by saying something to the effect of sex belonging in loving relationships with some semblance of a permanant commitment. thats still what most people, christian or no, want. this only reinforces the biblical message. however very very few evangelicals are talking about sex in intelligent terms. they are throwing out little sound bit slogans. having kids sign cards. giving out cheesy pens. making people who have made a few mistakes feel like shit in an effort to prevent others from making those same mistakes. and lets not even talk about the uninteded message this stuff sends to kids who have been molested or raped.
however to laugh at what they are saying underneath it: which is that it does in fact bear looking at the sexual history of someone you spend your life with..is something that needs to be said.
if someone has slept around...why and what has changed in their life that you know they will be faithful to you. its stuff people should ask instead of acting as if any decent person wouldnt even contemplate the sexual history of the person they marry.
Personally, I'm really glad my husband wasn't a virgin when we got married. His college girlfriend deserves at least a thank-you note... but I guess that would probably be inappropriate.
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