

It's interesting to me to read everyone's takes on why I am single or will always be single or what I can do to NOT be single, or whatever.

I'm discovering that I rather like it - being single. Not having to consider (not counting my children, of course) anyone else's schedule or quirks or bad days or money hang-ups or musical tastes or anything is quite nice.

I'm glad to have lived with someone. I enjoyed it. But I also like living alone. And doing things alone.

I don't know whether I'll ever want to live with anyone else again. Not ruling it out. Just not sure. And that's okay.


Anonymous said...

I thought you are in love? Have a boyfriend.

Julie said...

I'm not really sure what I have ;-)

Anonymous said...

And even if you do have a boyfriend/lover, it doesn't mean you have to give up your solitary life. It's *nice* living alone - even when you are in love. In fact, maybe the love lasts longer that way..I wonder why we have this impulse to rush to move in together as a sign of commitment.

Anonymous said...

I'm currently living with someone but really miss living alone for a lot of the reasons you mentioned in your post. I've found that being a couple isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Anonymous said...

How about ideas for some grown up version of boyfriend....I have a guy that I almost married, am still very serious about but am not engaged to. Partner and significant other don't appeal, friend is too generic, lover not really fitting in professional situations. What does a grown woman / man say for introductions?

Anonymous said...

Kate, How can you not know what you have? Is this guy jerking you around? Because if he is, I will take him OUT. You told me last week that you knew what you had.

Anonymous said...

Bill, I don't date men. So, no, I don't want to go out with you.

Anonymous said...

Mary C--If "lover" is not fitting for professional situations, you could try "the man I love" or "man I love most." Sort of like "my better half," but without the self-effacing (& usually gendered) overtone. Or just stick with "friend"--if you've drug the poor guy along to some business affair, it's going to be pretty flipping obvious he's sleeping with you.

I love living with someone. I really miss having someone in my bed every single night (even though the sex was bad and infrequent). My dog sleeps with me now, but it's not quite the same. And someone to make dinner for & just hang out with. That's what I miss about being married.

Anonymous said...

Well said Katie you DON"T know what you have,because you don't have a clue. Maybe if you spent less time telling the world about "what's going on in Katies world"or"hey everyone I'm Katie allison Granju look everyone, look--I'm very important read all about me..ME..ME..
God you're pathetic.I feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to date you.

Anonymous said...

um...you don't have to read her blog, you know.

Anonymous said...

You are wrong, anonymous. I've dated Kate several times and she's fun, funny, fearless and very pretty. So call me stupid if you like, but you seem like a nutter, reading blogs you hate and then repeatedly posting about why you hate them. The whole point of a blog is that it's written in the first person. Many writers today have blogs and some of the material is about their own lives. Readers like to know about people who write things they read. If you don't find a blog you like. Newsflash: there are millions to choose from.

Anonymous said...

Pretty?!?!---PRETTY UGLY!

Julie said...

Why do you dislike me so much? And do you have any specific suggestions for how I can look less "ugly"? Different hair? Lose weight? Whiten teeth? Boob job?


Anonymous said...

Here's a suggestion for nasty anonymous: get a free photo-sharing account, post a picture of yourself, include the link in a comment below, and let's decide the merits of your looks. I double dare you!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous-the-Kate-hater: I have a question I hope you'll answer. Are you male or female? Have you ever met Kate? What's the deal? Please explain. The depth of your anger is quite peculiar and unhealthy. For your own mental health, you really shouldn't read this blog anymore. I feel sorry for you.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. After years of compromise, it feels good to do your own thing for a change.

In fact, that's my new touchstone on whether a relationship is serious or not. If I'm so taken with a person that I don't mind giving up that freedom, then it must be serious. Otherwise, it's just casual.

Julie said...

I think that's very smart, Rich. A good litmus test.

Sadly, my own recent (and really, first since divorce) I-thought-we-were-really-dating-and-a couple thing has not panned out, but I learned some good stuff from it and will be better off next time.

Are we going to be NANOWRIMO writing buddies next month?


Anonymous said...

That was pretty quick. In the course of a blog discussion you teeter from not knowing if you have a "boyfriend" to knowing you don't have one? I have a special-needs deaf cat I can loan you if you need some love.

Julie said...

Yeah. It happened pretty fast.

Is your cat's name Amana? Because if so, I am not interested. She's vicious.

Anonymous said...

No the cat's name has recently changed:
Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono

Anonymous said...

I think there are several people who find her annoying and self preccupied.