Then we have to finish guest list and gather addresses...
Still on to-do list:
-Wedding rings
-Figure out who will marry us
-Figure out who is gonna handle taking some pictures
-Clothes for kids
-Wedding license
-Plight troth ;-)

I'm totally crashing y'all's wedding!
Beautiful invitations. They make your wedding sound like it'll be a lovely party at the home of good friends.
not to be nosey and feel free to tell me to mind my own business, but have you thought about if you're going to change your name and take Jon's last name? Just curious. I'm always interested in knowing the motivation behind why a woman chose to take her husband's name or not. I also know that some women feel reluctance to change their last name when doing so would make it different from their children.
So, like I said, tell me to butt out if I've stepped over the line, but I am curious. :-)
Wow you're amazing!
Everything is moving so quickly, you two have beautiful taste. The ring, the house the wedding invitations everything is so lovely.
The producer in you knows exactly how to tackle a deadline and get the job accomplished well.
Just asking, could you be in a family way????
Why did you put your middle name and not his?
Well, I am not going to change my name because I want to have the same name as my children and also, I've used the name Granju professionally for my entire writing career and I think it might be harder to sell anything with another name ;-)
I wish I had never changed in in the first place and I will certainly encourage my daughter to keep her name should she ever marry.
"Allison" is my maiden name, by the way (stupid term - "maiden" name), not my middle name. My actual name, before marriage, was Catherine (Katie) Brittain Allison.
The choice to leave his middle name off the invitations was Jon's ;-)
This is Rachel, Jon's friend from PC. We met last Feburary when I was in town (incase you don't remember). I just wanted to say congradulations! And I will see you at either the wedding or the Knoxville party or the housewarming party.
best wished
Rachel P
PLEDGE troth.
Nope. I meant "plight." It's another word for pledge and commonly used in older Anglican and Catholic wedding vows. See:
Congratulations to the 5 of you! May you have many years of love and happiness.
So I have a question, and if you want ME to butt out, by all means tell me! So the question remains, how do you NOW feel about the step-parent terms? I know you had a tough time swallowing stepmother for your children, but what about stepdads?
And seriously, congrats.
I hate the term "steppparent." There should be a better word. That person is NOT a parent and "step" is derogatory.
OK, thats fair.
I was just curious.
How about Jondad? I know someone who is known as Marymom to her stepchildren. Or Jah, as in JAH.
I just checked the meaning of step- in the dictionary. Its origin is from words for bereavement, so you are right, it doesn't really apply today when most stepparents come into children's lives through divorce, not death. We need a new word for this relationship!
And if $$ is an issue with the flowers, Kroger can do an amazing job for much cheaper than the normal florist.
Don't forget to wear 'something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.'
And the question that everyone wants the answer to -- who designed the invites? They look Yee-haw-ish, but everything does these days...
I got a minister's license from one of those online deals, if you need someone to marry ya'll.
I got a minister's license from one of those online deals, if you need someone to marry ya'll.
I happen to be an ordained minister myself. I performed a "heavy metal" wedding on the porch of Regina Green's home. I also performed a wedding in Georgia that had over 200 guests.
I have to disagree. Stepparents really do parent: many help with homework, give rides here and there, cook meals, dry tears, pay for movies and other fun activities, listen to stories of adventures, attend school plays and sporting events, etc. If that's not parenting, then I don't know what is. Parenting is more than eggs and sperm.
A college friend's daughter came down with Crohn's disease about seven years ago. The child's stepfather was the one who got on the Internet, researched the disease, located the best doctors, took time off of work to meet with doctors, and sat by the child's bed, reading her stories while she underwent painful treatment. The "real" father was nowhere to be seen.
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