

Jon, Jane, Elliot and I all spent a fun weekend hanging with the fam in Bell Buckle (Henry went to Indianapolis for the weekend with his father for some sort of car race thing). We all had a great, relaxing time -- and took care of some important, happy news delivery ;-) -- and Elliot was invited to stay for a few days with his cousins Gray and Jack.

He was thrilled by the invite and assured me he wanted to stay, so Jon, Jane and I drove back to Knoxville tonight.

When I got home tonight, there was a message from a teary Elliot saying he was horribly homesick and wanted to come home (Bell Buckle is 3 hours away).

I called Julie -- hating to wake her up so late -- and she said he had been really sad but had finally fallen asleep. I am sure he will wake up in the morning happy to be with his boy cousins and ready to play. He was probably just utterly exhausted, but I won't sleep well tonight knowing he was so sad :-(


Anonymous said...

Hope Elliott is ok. "Happy news delivery?" Do you have something to tell us?

Anonymous said...

Hope Elliott is ok. "Happy news delivery?" Do you have something to tell us?