
dressing down

Just in case your daughter loves playing, maybe as one of the characters in THE HANDMAID'S TALE, you can find everything you and she both need to dress modestly at this online retailer: "MODEST APPAREL USA"

(Hat tip to Metulj)


Anonymous said...

I couldn't find the link to the burkhas.

Anonymous said...


Please say you're not wearing a modest wedding dress. My stomach is turning at the thought...

I clicked on the undergarments link (come on, you did, too!) and was surpised to see that they offer baggy cotton bras and slips, but no panties. Should we assume these modest corn-fed ladies go commando??!!!

And I now inexplicably have the theme from Footloose running through my head...

Everybody cut, everybody cut,
Whoaoaoaoaoa (cut footloose)
Whoaoaoaoaoa (cut footloose)

Julie said...

Oh no. My wedding dress is highly IMmodest. Illicit, even!!


Anonymous said...

I just ordered the red suede party dress with white lace collar to wear to your wedding! I also purchased one for all of your dedicated blog readers, no need to thank me! Don't you think Jon would love the cotton bra and cotton slip instead of the fancy stuff you usually wear? I know he would!

Katharine O'Moore-Klopf said...

Ew! Just ... ew!

Anonymous said...

Nice clothes if you're an observant Orthodox Jew, Christian evangelist or Mormon.

Anonymous said...

I looked again, I take back Observant Jewish women would not wear this clothes, the clothes are NOT modest enough, Observant Jewish women do not show their elbows or above.
Some of the styles are too risqué!

Elizabeth said...

Wow on the book. I've seen the modest clothing sites...just say I've been indoctrinated by the Christian right....but I've never heard of that book. Now it's on my library reserve list. Sounds scary!

Anonymous said...

It's not that it purports to be modest clothing that bothers me. And, no, some of their clothes don't look that modest to me because they show the arms and have some slightly low necklines, and the culottes on their front page are pretty tight across the belly.
What bothers me is that it's all made to make you look ugly. And I guess that's the point of what they mean by 'modest.' Not cover yourself up, but 'look like hell so no man would look twice at you.'
There is plenty of stylish, attractive, modest clothing out there. This ain't it.
That baggy old bra was just plain gross.