Originally uploaded by kgranju.
Our friends the Callihans have a new baby boy, born this week. He has three white socks and a star.
He's so beautiful!
I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed, or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed. You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.
Now that is a precious baby.
I'm a sucker for all horses with a star.
A horse breeder (who knew nothing about the politics of human breastfeeding or parenting) once told me they couldn't believe humans substitute their own breast milk for cow milk formulas, since she would never ever substitute and give bovine milk to a foal if the mother died or was not available. She said cow milk is only appropriate for big fat stupid animals like their calf's, and cow milk is meant only for off-spring that grow to be big fat *stupid* animals, not for smart horses.
Now that is a precious baby.
I'm a sucker for all horses with a star.
A horse breeder (who knew nothing about the politics of human breastfeeding or parenting) once told me they couldn't believe humans substitute their own breast milk for cow milk formulas, since she would never ever substitute and give bovine milk to a foal if the mother died or was not available. She said cow milk is only appropriate for big fat stupid animals like their calf's, and cow milk is meant only for off-spring that grow to be big fat *stupid* animals, not for smart horses.
Do you think about this when you serve your children meat from a "big fat stupid animal"? Or is it just the milk you have a problem with?
Very cute baby photo, BTW.
Each mammal's milk is species specific. Only human newborns regularly drink another mammal's milk, a mammal that is inferior and unsuitable to optimal human brain development.
That's the point the horse breeder was making!
My family is not vegan to answer you snide question!
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