
let them eat cake

Barbara Bush says the Katrina refugees have it pretty darn good.


Anonymous said...

Besides, those darned poor will always be among us - well maybe not among "US," but happily housed in shelters and sports complexes. Heck, it doesn't get much better than that. Those darned poor need to stop whining and just be thankful we're a nation with lots of tax-funded really nice sports complexes!

Lisa said...

Oh my. I am NOT a fan of Laura's hubby, but always thought she had a BIT more sense. Let's have her go live in the Astrodome for awhile and see how well she considers it to be!

Anonymous said...

Booo Barb Bush

Anonymous said...

oh please. I am sure you could fill a book with comments made by democrats that were taken out of context by some eager journalist glad to make someone look bad.
it is pathetic that shrieking liberals are using this as a post for their nasty little views.
someone in a letter to our local paper said it very well: mistakes have been made, as might be expected in anything and rather than pissing and moaning those wasting energy griping at republicans should be pulling out their checkbooks instead.

Anonymous said...

I did get out my checkbook. I also sent a box of formula and diapers to a shelter in Houston, and participated in this v. worthy cause:

I am also appalled at the cluenessness of the wealthy and priviledged Bush crime family.

Lisa said...

anonymous, I also got out my check book this year for the victims of Katrina as I did for the victims of Charley last year.

Anonymous said...

Bush crime family..oh please. I can only imagine the real conversation that occured and this one little comment clipped out of context by some liberal journalist wetting his/her/its pants at an opportunity to smear the president.