

I spent the last day in Chattanooga, and am now at my office Sunday evening knocking some work out. Newsrooms are much quieter on a Sunday evening than they are the rest of the time, making it a good time to plow thru stuff it's hard to get accomplished during a normal workday...

But anyway... have you ever been to Rock City? I hadn't since grade school but dropped in today. The friend with whom I went promised me I'd see some gnomes there. Gnomes have always sort of creeped me out ever since I saw this movie as a child, but I was curious.

So we walked and walked around Rock City and saw nary a gnome, when all of a sudden we came on this sign over a cave reading (I kid you not):


Inside "fairyland" were all the gnomes: plaster of paris and a few animatronic gnomes of all different shapes and sizes in all sorts of bizarro tableaux, many painted with flourescent paint and set up under black lighting that made them glow.

There is really no way for me to convey the weirdness of this large, real cave near Chattanooga filled with...fake gnomes.

It was very strange. And I am very, very tired.


Anonymous said...

Who took you to Rock City? That's a cool date.

Anonymous said...

I want to know why you never blog about your love life lately. Did all the nutcases run you off? I loved reading that stuff. I want details!

Julie said...

OK, well, I'll say this much. It was a fun weekend with one of my favorite people. He entertains me a lot. And he likes N.W.A., which is a good quality in a man in my book.


Anonymous said...

You like "gangsta rap" another example of the fact that you are clearly not a very good mother despite your articles about it.

Anonymous said...

We all know that "good mothers" must listen to certain types of music, like Christian music or country. Your kids must be miserable.

Julie said...

On Saturday, I was browsing around at a bookstore and actually got a mini-lecture from the bookstore owner on how I should be home with my children. This was after she asked me what I "do" and I told her I am a mother.

I was tempted to tell her that I am an evil, bad mother who had left her children with their father for the weekend so I could go away with a man who is not their father, but instead I just left.

And listened to some old hip hop.

So sue me.


Anonymous said...

Oh come on, anonymous! You have this idea of what a mother should LISTEN TO in order to BE a good mother? How should we look? Do we have to wear certain things to be in the club with you really GOOD mothers? Do you even know Katie or her children? I'll bet you don't.

I wish my mother had listened to some gangsta rap. She might have been less neurotic and unhappy.

Anonymous said...

I wish my wife and the mother of my kid were more like Katie and less like whatever anonymous' idea of a good mother is like. As it is, my head is about to explode.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't NWA. It was Bone, Thugs N Harmony. By the way, the best country music has always included murder and theivery, cheating, lying and trucks. So I guess all that leaves for you proper smothering mothers is gospel. I think that's the kind of teat that our most cherished leaders, like Ralph Reed and Bill Frist, must have suckled on as infants.