

If you've been reading my blog since I started it (which is almost five years now. You can read its previous incarnation at ) you have likely noticed that I rarely write about politics anymore, although I used to do it daily.

There's a reason for this and it's called my job (as a TV/online news producer). I used to be strictly freelance, so nobody cared what I thought. Now, however, I have to be conscious of the fact that I will likely be accused of having an agenda in my work if I appear to have an agenda off the job. Being a journalist with a staff job sort of sucks that way. You get these people who are wildly interested in politics (or else they wouldn't have gone into news coverage) who are barred from expressing many opinions about it.

As those who know me can attest, I do have opinions. Lots of them. I just have to be more circumspect in how I express them than I used to be. And my opinions DO NOT influence the way I cover the news. There's no agenda.

But anyway, that's why my blog has moved away from those sorts of topics in the past 18 months.... and why I stick to safer territory, like Britney's no-carseat snafu (what WAS that girl thinking??!!!)


Anonymous said...
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Les Jones said...

"And my opinions DO NOT influence the way I cover the news."

To borrow a phrase ... straight up, I don't believe you. I think everyone's opinions influence the way they see and report things, me included.

If nothing else one's politics has an influence on what news and opinion sources one is exposed to.

I'm becoming more sympathetic to the notion that we should move away from pretend objectivity and concentrate more on fairness in treatment* and a balance of opinions in the newsroom and editorial staff. Salon, bless their hearts, used to be pretty good at presenting a variety of views. Then Bush got elected and 9/11 happened and they went kind of nuts. Or maybe I was the one who changed after 9/11.

* Meaning that if you routinely describe people or groups as "extreme right wing" but never call anyone "extreme left wing" you're not being fair. Either apply the label to both sides or quit using the label.