
i hate grades

Some folks who have been reading my writing for a while may have already heard my thoughts on homework.. In a nutshell, I don't believe in it.

Let me also say that I hate letter/numerical grades.

My oldest child is not what you would call a motivated student. It's gotten much worse in the past two years and now he is barely scraping by in eighth grade.

It doesn't help that he dislikes his school and doesn't like most of his teachers, despite the fact that he is, in general, a pretty amiable person who likes and gets along with many adults. He feels that his teachers don't like or respect him and so he reciprocates (there are a few exceptions - teachers whom he likes). He's very bored at school and is absolutely not motivated by any competition or ranking (as in grades) system. Never has been.

He is motivated when people challenge him and get him thinking. But the only system his teachers seem to understand for working with students is the traditinal "work to earn grades" model. But this kid is an autodidact. And they have no idea how to use that to get him engaged. It's very frustrating. I am frustrated with him and with them and am very glad that he only has a few months left at his school because he is definitely ready for a big change (he's been there 8 years).

I hate it that grades are the central organizing factor of his daily life and by extension, mine. I wish I could send him to The Sudbury School or something because that's where he would really thrive.


Anonymous said...

You know, I hate grades, too. And homework. But maybe since I'm in grad school I should be doing homework. Hmm.

But I did have a class in undergrad where the prof and I decided to keep my grades secret from me because they were too stressful. I went most of the year only thinking about the subject of the paper I was writing instead of the grade I made on the last one. Of course that was a philosophy class, but it worked for me.

Anonymous said...


I am totally with you on homework. My son is in full-day Kindergarten, which is long enough, and then he has homework on top of it. It has been a huge struggle for all of us because he likes to come home and play, and I see the value in that MUCH more than homework. Unfortunately, this means that most of his homework gets done in a rush at the last minute (he forgets, I forget). Well, that's true EXCEPT for the projects/assignments he finds interesting; those we do as soon as he brings them home because he WANTS to do them.

I am glad that there are other non-homeschooling parents who hate homework!

Anonymous said...

What about Montessori school? I attended there from the time I was 4 through 8th grade. I know that won't help your oldest son's situation, but it might be helpful for your other children if they get in the same rut. I came out of that program with a very strong work ethic, because I knew my parents were forking over the $$$ for me to go there.