
"AA - America's Stealth Religion"

An interesting article with this title


Anonymous said...

I really sincerely hope you are not aiming your snark at 12 step recovery. if you have had no need for it dont knock it.

Anonymous said...

In the words of the late, great Abbie Hoffman, "sacred cows make the tastiest hamburger." Snark away, Kate; you're awfully good at it!

And also, anon, I happen to know she has plenty of perfectly good reasons to knock it that I'm sure she doesn't want to share here. The idea that someone has to be directly involved in an institution in order to criticize it (i.e the Catholic Church) is asinine.

Anonymous said...

yeah. it works for a lot of people...and there are a lot of true principles there as well.

Anonymous said...

we have to realize that anything that is just plain old common sense, Katie is going to bash.

Anonymous said...

"Plain" and "old" need to be bashed. Question tradition and rote ritualization. If you don't, you're liable to end up just another boring, uptight conservative.

Anonymous said...

As an ex-spouse of a recovering addict, I watched as the 12 step program became as addictive as the drugs. His life became "unmanageable" again when he couldn't balance meetings with everything else he needed to be doing with his life (well after he should have been "using" meetings less frequently). It tends to be quite the cult. "Stay with us, and you will be healed...You don't need anything else but us.... If you don't adhere to our strict guidelines the only things awaiting you are institutions and death...Watch the pendulum..." Ok that last one was mine, but I've seen it become dangerous to him and others like him.

Anonymous said...

so bash tradition just for the sake of it eh? maybe its done a certain way for a reason. and there is nothing wrong with being a boring old stable conservative. better that than an unstable wacky liberal just for the sake of being "different" and introducing change for change sake.

Anonymous said...

yes, the meetings CAN be a substitute drug but what would you rather have: someone going to three or four meetings a week or an active addict. take your pick.

Anonymous said...

AA and 12-step programs work for some people and not others. It was great for my brother and some other friends. It did NOT work for me.
My only beefs with AA are their assertion that their way is the only way, and their concept of 'rock bottom.' I do think there is an element of moral judgement in their program, and that can be more destructive for some addicts than other types of therapy.
If you're looking for something different, try reading a book called "The Heart of Addiction."

Anonymous said...

AA is bad news!

Anonymous said...

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