
terri schiavo

It's the rare day when I am in strong agreement with my Senator, Bill Frist. But I am 100% behind his last ditch effort to try to save Terri Schiavo's life.

First of all, she is not on "life support." In fact, she simply requires an alternative way to get food and water. Her husband wants her to starve to death. Her parents, who are willing to take on the expense and hardship of caring for her until she dies of natural causes, do not want to see their daughter starve to death before their eyes.

Her quality of life is not the issue. This is subjective. You don't get to starve someone to death because you would not like to live in the way she is required by her medical condition to live. This is, indeed, a very slippery slope.

And she is not her husband's property -- not an inconvenient, infirm pet to be euthanized.

As a mother, a daughter, a pro-choice feminist, and as someone who was once married, this case really bothers me. I do not believe that the marriage contract should allow a man to make this decision for the woman to whom he is married. She cannot express her wishes, her choice, so we must assume she would prefer life to what will certainly be a very ugly death.


Lisa said...

This is a very difficult case that has been far too long drug through our court system. I don't know enough of Terri's medical condition to form an opinion of the quality of life/ rehab potential. I do know if it was me I would want my feeding tube removed. I would hope my husband would fight for this. Everyone's decision is different. I did see her husband on the news the other morning stating his opinion that the "religious right" was using this case in their anti-abortion propaganda. This I do agree with. Whatever one's opionion on abortion (I too am pro-choice) I think we are talking two separate issues here and they should not be confused as one and the same.

Anonymous said...

there is more to this. it is rumored that Terri is in her coma because Micheal beat her and he does not want her to regain consciousness because she can testify against him. Micheal is also (not rumor..this is fact) has a live in girlfriend and a child or two with said live in girl friend all the while remaining married to Terri, presumably so he does not give up his legal rights to have a say so in what happens to her. the whole thing sounds veyr very strange. it is being represented as someone who is a vegetable when apparently she is somewhat responsive although hardly up and about and fully functional. Terri was also apparently x rayed early on and there were fractures that would be consistant with being an abuse victim. given how much the media gloms onto violence against women issues it is truly amazing this hasnt crept into the news about this case. it does make one wonder if they are so anxious to establish legal precedent that they are ignoring any facts that might get in the way of the case.

Anonymous said...

There are certainly a variety of rumors. I hadn't seen the abuse rumor, but I have seen the one claiming that she's in a vegetative state because of a heart attack attributable to bulimia.

Kai Jones

Ian said...

The Bulimia explanation is not a rumour, although it has been underpublicized.

This is not a right-to-life case, as Schiavo's brain was destroyed by a lack of oxygen and has now been largely replaced with spinal fluid. There is no cure for that. A doctor puts it better than I can here.

Lisa said...

I also have heard the heart attack due to bulimia as cause of Terri's current state. I've not heard the rumors of abuse. Obviously no one truly knows the case as well as her husband and parents and doctors. Assuming there was NOT abuse and her husband knows her wishes best and wishes to carry them out in the name of love on her behalf... if I were in her shoes, I would wish to have the feeding tube removed. I would trust my husband to make these decisions for me over my parents. That is why he is named as the one to make such decisions in my living will. Hopefully this document will never be needed, but if it is I want my decisions to be clear and to be made by who I trust the most. In my case that is my husband, NOT my parents. For other people I'm certain the opposite would be true. If it were me I would not expect him to put his life on hold for the years and years that this has been drug through the court systems. If he fell in love, lived with, and had children with another woman, so be it. If he remained married to me under these circumstances so as to have the legal right to assert my wishes, I would be okay with this. I'm sure others would not.

Anonymous said...

And there are rumors that there was some abusive, terrible relationship between Terri and her parents. I think we can all agree that paranoid whisper campaigns don't help Terri Schiavo much, do they?

I'm sure we're all going to take this as a reminder to get our medical directives filled out right away. Right? Because in fact, if you're not able to state your wishes, your spouse/next of kin/whoever is closest in the law's eyes DOES get to make decisions about life-support for you.

Anonymous said...

If Terri must die as her husband wants, and no one can save her, why can't she die a more humane death.

Even serial killers die by lethal injection.

I don't understand a man who wanted his wife to die in 1993 when she had a urinary tract infection, asked why can't the bitch die, withheld therapy from her, didn't want the nurses to provide ANY comfort for her.Two nurses have given affadavits as to these truths.

If you have seen the video of Terri 'talking' to her father you would know that she is very similar to someone who has cerebral palsy. She knows what he says.

If she has to die because the courts say so, then maybe the courts are wrong.

I feel so sorry for Terri and the family that still loves her.

I wish that someone would investigate Michael Shiavo.