
Word to the wise: if you spill, say, hot chocolate, on your laptop, don't attempt to solve the problem by drying the thing off with, say, your hairdryer. Nothing good can come of it.


Anonymous said...

Cecilia (who was in my belly last time I saw you at that park in Knoxvegas) spilled an entire glass of water on my laptop last week, and while I stood horrified and immobile dear Deke hubby picked it up, dripping, and said "just don't touch it for 2 days". I imagined $$$ swirling down the toilet. But, it worked. And I unfroze. Then the baby promptly spit up volumes on it.

Julie said...

Michelle! As I live and breathe. So good to hear from you. Are you in CO?

My computer geek neighbor also says it's likely it will just dry out and be fine. I hope.

E-mail me :-)

Anonymous said...

Microwaving for 10-20 seconds usually will fix it right up.

- Steve K.