

Is anyone else as put-off and actually, sort of creeped out by this whole Red Hat Society thing as I am?


Anonymous said...

Yes, it is very creepy and what's worse I know a woman my age (33) who can't wait until she's old enough to join. Groan.

Anonymous said...

Yes! I was just talking with my mom about this yesterday. She's 56. She doesn't have any plans to join but said she knows lots of women who are in it and enjoy it a lot. The idea that women must don a red hat or purple boa merely to have a "legitimate reason" to socialize with other women is really irritating to me. My mom pointed out, though, that those women didn't grow up in the same time period that I did (her point being that it's okay for them to feel like they need an excuse?). Anyway, yes, the Red Hat thing creeps me out too and I'm glad someone else noticed how weird it is!

Anonymous said...

Oh, c'mon!

I find it a little silly, and I have no plans to join when I hit my golden years, but I wouldn't say it's "creepy." I mean, it's not like they engage in rituals involving animals or children, and it's not like they're Promise Keepers. They're just some women-of-a-certain-age getting together to enjoy life as they see fit--they feel like they are reclaiming some part of their lives they had left behind.

You can imagine they probably married young, raised a bunch of kids and did everything for everyone else, and now they feel like it's their turn to have fun (as they define it).

Anyway, the NYTimes Magazine had an article about them yesterday.