

My daughter's beloved dog, Cookie the dachshund, has been missing since Friday afternoon. I've covered the neighborhood with flyers and plan to go out later and put flyers in every mailbox in a 6 block radius.

Jane and Cookie

Jane is with her father this weekend, so she doesn't know yet. She ADORES her dog. I can't tell you how upset she is going to be and how much I dread telling her this when she comes home tomorrow. It's going to be awful. She's going to be hysterical with grief. She sleeps with Cookie every night, strolls Cookie around in her doll stroller, dresses Cookie in ridiculous outfits and frequently proclaims her utter devotion to Cookie. She picked him out of the litter when he was only 2 weeks old and then patiently waited for him to be ready to come home.

Jane and her dog and her friend Rachel at River Glen horse show

I am praying for a miracle and hoping Cookie will turn up tomorrow.

This is the worst :-(

1 comment:

radmama said...


I hope Cookie comes home soon, Katie.